Unrestricted View Film Horror Festival 2022 – Wednesday 2nd November

2nd November from 4pm £8 (individual screenings), £12 (Day Pass), £30 (full festival pass)

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.


Sucker (Dir: Alix Austin) UK

Drained (Dir: Maxwell Seller) USA

O (Dir: Dominik Balkow) Germany

Close Your Eyes (Dir: Andy Chen) USA

Bloom (Jake Thompson) UK

WhatKilledTimmyBenson (Dir: Nick Cremers) Netherlands

Strings (Dir: Rodrigo Moreno-Fernandez) USA

Unreveiled (Dir: Ryan Graff) USA

Love Hotel – The Guide to Japanese Midnight Culture (Dir: Kaichi Sato) Japan



The Wilde (Dir: Greig Johnson) UK

Dinghy (Dir: Sangeet Prabhaker) UK

Weight of Guilt (Dir: Joseph Daniel Rodriguez) USA

Stuck (Dir: David A. Roncone) Italy

#NOFILTER (Dir: Nathan Crooker) USA

Sunday Roast (Dir: Lukas Steinmeier) UK

Bad Apples (Dir: Bernard Sisay) UK


8pm – ARE WE MONSTERS directed by Seb Cox

A werewolf conflicted with identity, Maya seeks to understand the two sides of herself- before the consequences become deadly.

‘Are We Monsters’ delves deep into the folklore of werewolves, Greek mythology & legend, then back to ask us important questions about identity, who we are, and who decides.