29th April (Screenings every half an hour from 12.30pm) £3 per screening.
The Vintage Mobile Cinema will be based at The Alwyne Castle (83 St Paul’s Rd, London N1 2LY)
12.30pm – Father’s Letter (Dir: Denis Filyukov, Russia)
1.00pm – Toll Booth (Dir: Martin Stocks, UK)
1.30pm – Hybrids (Dir: Florian Brauch, Matthieu Pujol, Kim Tailhades, Yohan, Thireau, Romain Thirion, France) & Box (Dir: Sacha Beeley, UK))
2.00pm – The Inuring (Dir: James Hughes, UK)
2.30pm – No Hidden Extras (Dir: Ian Smyth, UK)
3.00pm – Cupidity (Dir: Simon Connolly, UK)
3.30pm – Another Game (Dir: Riyad Barmania, UK)
4.00pm – Seeing Him (Dir: Chris Jones, UK)
4.30pm – One Year Later (Dir: Daniel Booth, UK)
5.00pm – Pill (Dir: Fenella Greenfield, UK)
5.30pm – Pink & Quilted (Dir: Frederic Chane-son, France)
6.00pm – Actress (Dir: Edward L Dark) & The Loft (Dir: Chryssanthi Kouri, UK)
6.30pm – Micro Shorts (Dir: Bob Pipe, UK)
7.00pm – The Monster (Dir: Bob Pipe, UK)
7.30pm – Half a Man (Dir: Kristina Kumrić, Croatia)
Venue Website: www.uvff.co.uk